The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete. They make one story the only story. The consequence of the single story is this: it robs people of dignity. When we reject the single story, when we realize there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.

-Ethical Storytelling

Discovering Freedom from Nightmares

Ruby* is a sweet 5-year-old girl who was afflicted with nightmares and was afraid of almost everyone around her. She was very timid and frequently wet the bed. The fear…

Collaborating to restore a widow’s health

At Cedars Network, one of the ways we aim to collaborate with marginalized peoples as they pursue restored communities is through our health, education, and livelihood projects working together. Um…

“My family is happy again.”

Living among the beautiful mountains of the Middle East, Abu Hamed is a middle-aged man caught in a difficult situation. He has had to flee his country due to war…

“I’m not rich, but my family has food.”

When Abu Jaafer, one of our local collaborators, was visiting a local group of refugee families to learn more about the challenges they are facing, he encountered Abu Hussein. Through…

Create Opportunities for Syrian Kids

Are you ready to open up future opportunities for Syrian refugee kids? We’re really excited to be opening up a class dedicated to preparing our students for the important ninth-grade…

Student Highlight: Areej

When Areej’s homeroom teacher asked me how Areej is in class she was surprised I hadn’t labeled her as one of my troublesome students. I thought, “maybe a little aloof…


Ameena is one of my very favorite students. One of those who will stay in my heart forever, putting a smile on my face whenever I think of her. Ameena…

Rediscovering Destiny

One evening we sat with Asma, one of our beloved teachers, in her home with her husband and children. All of her children have attended Hope Learning Center and she…

Seven Ways to Support Refugees This Christmas

1. Fajr Beirut Our personal friends have collaborated with Lebanese artists to design these beautiful notebooks and we all have a few on our end tables at any given time.…

Building Emotional Resilience Through Art

We ducked into a large tent, carrying a plastic bag full of art supplies and were greeted by the smiling faces of a dozen squirmy children. After good mornings were…